Welcome to the marketplace that brings big ideas from small U.S. businesses direct to you.


is a curated collection of small business owners all in one place. We believe small businesses are the heart of our economy and, together, we can help them thrive and flourish!

  • Support Local

    Sandalwood Shoppes brings quality products from verified, American-owned businesses straight to you at an affordable price. It’s like taking a cross-country shopping trip without leaving home! You get the products you want, along with the pride of knowing you’re helping U.S. businesses grow and succeed.

  • Support Small

    Small businesses throughout the U.S. are the engine that keeps our economy strong and growing. These businesses are owned and operated by people who are dreaming big, thinking smart, and making things happen. When you buy from us, you’re supporting these businesses and everyone they employ.

  • Support Togetherness

    We connect small businesses across the country with buyers like you who want to support local U.S. communities. By purchasing their products on our website, you’re sending dollars back to local communities, where they will be used to employ local workers, purchase local goods, and invest in local initiatives.